The Interview

“Mad Hops Flavored Beer Drops transform everyday beer to look, smell, and taste better, more like a craft beer.” That was the second line of a Help Wanted ad that I had come across on I sat for a moment to think, “Flavored beer drops, hmm… like Mio for beer? How in the world could someone improve the god awful taste of beer?” I felt compelled to apply, just out of curiosity.

Mad Hops needed event staff and a social media intern, so I was all for seeing how this product worked. It didn’t take long for the President of the company to send me an email asking if I’d like to set up an interview. Of course I was stoked, especially since, if I wanted to, the interview could have been held at a bar so we could try the product! I opted out of the bar scene, which honestly was an opportunity missed, because it would have given the story I am writing for you right now more of a twist! After the interview Peter the President offered me the job and I took it right away. I could not miss out on another great opportunity.

Week one as a Mad Hops Flavored Beer Drops representative

My first assignment was to attend a beer tasting at Willow Brook Farms. Mind you this was only a couple days after the interview, so Peter informed me that I would have to try Mad Hops for the first time at the tasting. Of course I needed to try it for myself, how else could I educate others about it? The tasting started at 3 pm, but I mean at that point it is five o’clock somewhere, right?

Kylie, the other event staffer, brought everything we needed for the tasting. After a quick introduction we got everything set up and then it was time to begin. We added two squirts of each flavoring into individual pitchers and then poured in two cans of Genesee Beer. We set the six pitchers out on the table: Mexican Lime, Wild Blueberry, American Pale Ale, Irish Porter, Apple Amber Ale, and Cherry Wheat. Kylie handed me a tester glass of Irish Porter flavored beer.

I wasn’t prepared.
I hate beer.
I think it tastes disgusting. The taste of beer just repulses me.
I took a deep breath, and sipped the beer.

Wow! The mixture of hops, malt, bitter, and the flavoring… it tasted like I was drinking a coffee. I was sold. This invention is amazing. I literally hate beer, but this did not taste like the disgusting liquid we had poured into the pitcher. I couldn’t taste the dreaded flavor of beer, even the after taste was just coffee. I was amazed, as were the dozens of people who came to the tasting.

The customers, staff, and beer haters

I kid you not; everyone who walked up to our tasting table was so confused. They looked at us like we had three heads and asked us, “What do we have over here, flavoring for beer?” As we explained to everyone what was in the drops, they didn’t believe it would transform the beer we had on our table, but once they tried their first one, they had to try them all!

An elderly man, probably in his seventies, walked over to the table. He was my most memorable customer. He said absolutely nothing, didn’t speak at all. Everything he had to say about the product he said with his facial expressions. I presented the product to him, explained that the base beer was Genny, and then informed him of all the ingredients. He wanted to try.

I handed him the Irish Porter, and he drank the whole sample. His face lit up, eyes wide, smile big. I asked him, “Sir, would you like to try another.” He nodded. I handed him the Apple Amber. Again, eyes lit up, mouth dropped open. This man never said a word. He put his hand out for another! He tried every flavor, and with every single flavor his eyes lit up, his mouth dropped open in astonishment. There wasn’t a single flavor that this man, who I assume has tasted every beer, bad and good, over the last 52 years, didn’t like. His favorite ended up being the Wild Blueberry, and honestly he walked away a very happy, old man.

My work was done.

Cheers, Olivia


Hey! Wanna try Mad Hops for yourself? Buy all 6 flavors at our low low introductory price of just $29.99. That’s $3 off the regular price of each bottle! If you use my Hopster link – – I’ll make some money too!

Buy a 6-Pack!